所以然 Wonder Y,由国际记者、主持人周轶君创办。工作室致力于跨文化、跨地域,人文与科技联结的影像创作。成立于2018年,工作室已出品六集纪录片《他乡的童年》,13集播客节目《你好,童年》。
Wonder Y is a production company founded by Zhou Yijun. The studio is telling inspiring stories by producing documentary, TV show and podcast. Started from 2018, the studio has produced six-episode documentary CHILDHOOD ELSEWHERE, and a 13-episode podcast related to the topic.
团队介绍 About the team

周轶君 Zhou Yijun
所以然 Wonder Y 创办人,《他乡的童年》总导演,主持人
2018年,周轶君创办所以然(Wonder Y),用镜头关注社会、探索世界。
Zhou Yijun is the founder of Wonder Y, Hong Kong, focusing on documentary filming since 2018. Previously, she was the Chief Content Director of Mondern Media group and Chief International Correspondent at Phoenix Satellite Television. Before joining Phoenix, she worked for Xinhua News Agency, the state press agency of China. She also writes commentaries and columns for various media, including FT Chinese.
Beginning her career as an international news journalist and photographer in 1998, Zhou Yijun has since reported from every major world news event and hotspot, including Iraq, Afghanistan, the Korean Peninsula, the Palestinian territories, Israel, Egypt, Libya, and throughout Europe and the United States. She has won numerous awards, mainly for her coverage of the Palestinian-Israeli conflicts, along with other international affairs.
In 2019, Zhou Yijun directs and hosts her first docuseries “Childhood Elsewhere” (six parts for Youku.com) reflecting various concepts on education worldwide, which is honoured as “Top 10 documentaries of 2019” by CCTV. She also hosts A Billion Chinese Dreams for Channel News Asia in Singapore.